Landscape Gardener
As a landscape gardener, you plan and construct garden landscapes for residential, commercial or industrial locations.
It can be a physically demanding role.
- Outdoor work
- Working with others
- Creativity
A typical day may involve:
- preparing plans and drawings, selecting materials and plants, and scheduling landscape construction
- setting out and installing hardscape and softscape structures
- constructing gravel and paved areas, walls, fences, pergolas, ponds, barbecues and garden furniture
- preparing seedbeds and growing sites
- planting trees, bushes, hedges, flowers and bulbs
- preparing lawn areas by spreading topsoil and planting grass or laying instant turf
It helps to be good at:
- Outdoor work
- Working with others
- Creativity
Qualifications/pathway options:
- Cert II Landscaping
- Cert III in Landscape Construction
- Diploma of Landscape Design
- Apprenticeship
- Traineeship
You may be able to work in:
- Construction (commercial, industrial and residential)
- Maintenance
Related Roles
Landscape Architect
- Construction manager