Floor Finisher
As a floor finisher, you measure, cut, install and repair floor coverings. These can include carpets, linoleum, parquetry blocks, cork tiles and other resilient flooring materials.

- Indoor work
- Physical work
- Earn while you learn
A typical day may involve:
- measuring areas to be covered and consulting plans to estimate quantities of floor covering materials required
- preparing surfaces for covering and removing baseboard trims
- measuring, cutting and fixing underlay materials
- laying coverings over floors, matching patterns, cutting shapes around fixtures and trimming edges
- securing floor coverings and fitting edge trims in doorways
- sanding, staining and applying finishing coatings to timber floors
- installing wall, ceiling, counter and bench coverings
It helps to be good at:
- physical tasks
- using tools
- attention to detail
- communicating clearly
Qualifications/pathway options:
- Cert III Flooring Technology
- Apprenticeship
You may be able to work in:
- Construction
- Home improvement
- Retail
Related Roles
- Concreter