As a plumber, you install, maintain and repair pipes, drains, guttering and metal roofing, mechanical services and related equipment for water supply gas, drainage, sewerage, heating, cooling and ventilation systems.
Other roles include a roof plumber, involving rainwater products such as gutters and downpipes. Drainers install and design below-ground drainage systems, while gasfitters install and repair gas systems.
Average annual income for a drainer and gasfitter is higher than for a plumber.

- Outdoor work
- Physical work
- Earn while you learn
A typical day may involve:
- studying blueprints, drawings and specifications to determine the layout of plumbing systems and materials required
- setting out and installing hot and cold water systems and associated equipment
- installing water-based fire protections systems, including fire hydrants, hose reels and sprinkler systems
- designing and installing sanitary plumbing and water supply systems, discharge pipes and sanitary fixtures
- fabricating and installing soil and waste stacks
- assembling and installing mechanical services plant, air handling and conditioning equipment and small-bore heating systems
- installing sewerage and effluent pumping equipment and disposal systems
- installing below-ground drainage systems and associated ground support systems
- installing gas appliances, flues and pressure regulating devices
- fabricating and installing metal roofing, rainwater goods and flashings
It helps to be good at:
- Physical tasks
- Using tools
- Working at heights
- Communicating clearly
- Customer service
Qualifications/pathway options:
- Cert III Plumbing
- Cert IV Plumbing and Services
- Cert III Roof Plumbing
- Cert III Gas Fitting
- Apprenticeship
You may be able to work in:
- Construction
- Infrastructure services
Related Roles
Builder and Plumbing labourer
Drainage, sewer and stromwater labourer
- Plumber's Assistant